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 LOVE & SPIRITUAL GIFTS [Friday May 23, 2014]


Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. 1 Corinthians 14:1

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 48-50; Psalm 108

 1 Corinthians 12:1-2

1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.


Our God is the Almighty. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is also good and His mercy endures forever. One character of God that is transmissible through us is love. How do we show that we know God? It is by showing His love (
1 John 4:8). Let us love one another. Let’s demonstrate the love of God to our brethren. Let’s show them that we care. The people we are to show love to includes those that are lovable and those that do not deserve our love. Do you love your critics? Do you love your persecutors? Do you love the unlovable? Love or charity has many beautiful attributes (1 Corinthians 13:1-13). Gifts are nothing without love. Love is kind and patient. Love bears long with the weak and needy. How kind are you? Do you demonstrate kindness in all you do? How patient are you? Some Christians are rash. They act before thinking. Such people cannot be said to demonstrate love. Love does not envy others. Jealousy is not in the dictionary of love. It is pathetic that many souls have been destroyed by jealousy. An envious soul does not see anything good in the achievements of others. Are you controlled by love or jealousy? Love is not self-centred. It cares for others. Do you love your brethren and care for them? One way to demonstrate that you care for your brethren as a lady is through modest dressing. One who really loves does not dress to kill. She is dressed to save. Christians who wear indecent clothes cannot be said to love their brethren. Another attribute of love is faith. Love believes the whole counsel of God. Love does not only believe the word of God, it acts on it. Love does not think evil. It does not live in suspicion of others. Love is humble. God is love because love is humble. God associates with the humble. If you say you love, let it reflect in your humility. Be humble. Don’t brag about your achievements. Don’t insist on bearing titles which reflect self-aggrandisement.

Love never fails to receive from God. One of the innumerable blessings of love is the right to receive answer to prayers. Those who love easily receive from God. Such people also go about doing what can be described as good. In 
Acts 10:38 we are told that Jesus went about doing good because God was with Him. God is always with the people who live in love. He associates with them. Consequently, miracles, signs and wonders attest to their ministry. Do you want the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit in your ministry? Live in love. Let your impact be felt for good in the life of others. Sacrifice your talents, money and other resources for the salvation and betterment of others. Spend quality time in prayer, bible study and demonstrate that you love the brethren.

Action Point:
List five ways to manifest love in a sour relationship, then go ahead and implement them.


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