Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. Something becomes a necessity when its presence is required; its absence might also cause a little amount of pain. So, when people begin to find alternatives to reducing these pain, invention sprung up. So, I say, “let thy pain direct thee”.
Life has never been a
But more importantly is the ability to learn from every pain we suffer or endure. Over the years, I realized that every good thing is wrapped in the arms of pain.
Therefore, to claim a good thing, one has to overpower pain to achieve this goodness. Globally, economic and financial reports over decades have shown that inflation, depreciation and losses are consistent with human lives. In fact, the so called hard currencies over these decades have experienced deterioration and losses. For instance, the value of the US dollar in 1969 can never be compared to its value in 2019. Such deterioration is inevitable as even the lesser currencies like the Nigerian Naira tend to experience greater devaluation. In a nut shell, life can never get better. Therefore, in all thy pains, be directed to see the good side of it.
Consistent focusing on pain negatively can only destabilize and traumatize an individual. The Holy Bible warns us about dwelling on pains and advises that we cast all our cares/burdens/pains on God.
I have grew in and through pains. I am what I am today because of the pains I had experienced. I will not fail to tell you that I am confident of today because of my pains of yesterday. Tomorrow does not guarantee to be painless either, but yesterday’s pain has prepared me for tomorrow.
In every pain lies an opportunity to learn and become better. Failing an exam for instance, should propel you to know that course better. Being brought up from a broken home should propel you to have a lovely family. Seeing your dad beat and maltreat your mother should drive you to cherish your wife. Being fired from your job should drive you to become an entrepreneur. Being betrayed by a lover should drive you to love yourself better. Marrying late should drive you to cherish your spouse maturely.
Until you stop seeing pain as a bane, you may never see what God wants you to learn. The pain of sickness should drive you to appreciate good health. Every pain has a lesson; Learn it. Every pain has a force; allow it to drive you.
Finally, as I wrap up this article, remember that every invention you enjoy today was created because, absence of it caused an amount of pain. This pain drove and inspired men to invent. From cars to the airplanes to the computers to the internet. Therefore, I say, “Let thy pain drive thee!
Grooming Empowered Youth.
Great write up