Sometimes ago, I had a flask. It could keep hot liquid hot and cold liquid cold. The flask was efficient in its function . In short, I never joked with it. It gave me joy whenever I remember that I do not need the stove before making a hot tea. I had a sense of relief that I could get a hot/warm water within seconds. Nevertheless, one day, it broke. I felt so bad that I could not do anything to fix it. Immediately, the once upon a time important and useful flask became useless. So sad, isn’t it?
Many years ago, God created a beautiful angelic being. This angel could sing and make God feel so good. This angel was so beautiful and every other angel wished they could be like him. Musical instruments were built in him. Every step he made produced beautiful & organized sound and exalting music. The angel became so full of himself. One day, he thought within himself, “ I will make my throne higher than God, I will set myself in the north”. He wanted to become higher than his creator. The moment God saw this, He drove this angel called Lucifer out of His presence. Lucifer became Satan the devil. Lucifer who was once a beautiful vessel became broken and useless in fulfilling his purpose of producing beautiful music for God.
There was a time, Saul who later became Apostle Paul was busy going around looking for Christians to persecute. He was present when Stephen was martyred and he was strongly in support of the killings of Christians. Saul was a broken useless vessel at that point. However, on his way to Damascus to continue the persecution, Jesus stopped his journey and there and then, Saul became Paul who was remolded to become a vessel unto honor. He was remolded to fulfil God’s desire
My dear reader, I could give you more examples of broken vessels. But more importantly is the need for you to know where you are in the sight of God. Are you a broken useless vessel? or a broken vessel who wants to be remoulded for God’s use.
To be broken and useless means that you are not aligned with the plans and purpose of God in your life. What do I mean by this? For example, if God expects your life to show forth his praise yet your life is making people to sin and loose God’s grace, it means you are at the opposite end of God’s agenda for you.
God do not throw away broken vessels. He is ever ready to remold you as long as you yield yourself to him. Unlike my flask that I can never remold, God has the power to remold any broken vessel, because with God, all things are possible.
I do not know how broken you might look. You might be a drug addict, a prostitute, a thief, a witch/wizard, an adulterer, a fervent fornicator, a gambler, a liar, a backbiter, full of malice and hatred, an idol worshiper etc. God does not care what your background or past looks like. He is only concerned about your today. Are you ready to hand over your broken vessel to him to remold you?
God is in the business of repairing lives. He did it to Mary Magdalene (7 demons were cast out of her), He did it to the mad man of Garesene (legion of demons was cast out of him), even the Samaritan woman (who was a core fornicator) at the well. These lives were all broken and shattered by the devil but God remolded it for his use. God can still do it again if you hand over everything to him.
My dear, when God remolds your life, you will see everything becoming better. In 2 Cor 5:17b. old things are passed away. God will not call you by your past sins. He will call you his son. He will not impute your sins to you. He will call you a saint. God will look at you as if you never sinned before. The word of God says, as far as the west is from the east, so shall I separate your iniquities from you.
Would you surrender to Him now so Jesus can mould you. Let Him give your life a meaning. Just like the tax collector, the prostitute, the thief at the cross, God wants to remold your broken and useless vessel. Would you rather give him an opportunity? Any life that God has remolded never remain the same. Automatically, things will begin to align for the best because you now have Jesus in charge of your case.
Kindly say this prayer:
Dear Lord, I know I am a sinner; I have gone against your intended will for my life. I have been useless to your divine calling over my life. Please, have mercy on me, forgive my sins, and make me your son. I believe you sent your son Jesus to mend all broken vessels, I am one of them, please Lord, remold me and grant me eternal life in Jesus name, Amen.
Please, look for a bible believing church. Ensure that you grow in the faith.
God bless you.
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