Outlined below are ten great mistakes any living being on this
planet should watch against. If you have made them before, do not criticize
yourself but seek advice. However, if you keep on repeating them, then you will
definitely live to regret it. I have warned you. Note these mistakes and AVOID
Mistake- Inferiority Complex
Many philosophers are of the profound opinion that having an
inferiority complex is one of the worst mistakes people make in life. An
inferiority complex is nothing but begrudging your own life and demeaning your
own abilities. It wrecks you system and throws you into a hell of disbelief in
the profound potential inherent in your own life. The first person you need to
believe on is yourself because you can never influence others when you don’t
know your worth. People who have inferiority complex tend to follow other’s
part and therefore will have no satisfaction at the end. This class of people
follows other’s path and lives other people’s dreams. They have lost their
unique identity as a human with distinct fingerprints.
# Second Mistake- Irrational comparison of others
Most people compare themselves to others,
which definitely isn't wrong in one part of the equation. It helps in knowing
where you stand and helps you assess yourself. But unnecessarily comparing
yourself to others with no purpose or objective in mind will lead you nowhere
in life- it definitely is one of the biggest mistakes in life. Everyone has a
distinct finger print as such everyone is destined to be unique. You shouldn’t
be preach or try to walk like your mentor even Elisha’s ministry was different
from Elijah’s and Peter’s different from Jesus’. You can only be you!
# Third Mistake- Allowing Past Achievements to Control You

# Fourth Mistake- Procrastination
Procrastination will bring in unanticipated negativity in your
life. It will make you think there’s time while you are wasting time. You will
keep what ought to be done today for tomorrow. This is a big risk. If you
procrastinate too much, arrest that attitude with immediate effect.
# Fifth Mistake- Disrespecting Your Parents
Everybody undergoes the phases of birth, ageing, sickness and
death. Know this for a fact- you will be a parent someday. Avoid disrespecting
your parents. Show them love and care if you do not want to be rejected by your
own children at old age. If not, you will weep bitterly while you are old.
Sixth Mistake- Letting Your Ego Rule Your Decisions
One of the worst mistakes of life is letting your ego control
and direct your decisions. Ego is perhaps the worst of human qualities and does
nothing but destroy relationships with the people who are close to you. Keep
your ego at bay, for it will lead you nowhere in life. Ego is a sign of pride,
and Pride is the road to destruction. Do you know some youth refuse to learn a
trade because of ego? They want to be a University graduate and while waiting
for admission, they sit down at home claiming they are too big to learn any
Yes, marry a person you love. But be sure you understand what
love is first. It isn't just physical attraction and passion. Those things are
vital, but they're not enough. When you experience adversity in life -- and you
will -- will the person by your side make your burden easier to bear? Or
Being alone is not the worst thing in life. I have experienced
good times and bad times in my life, both alone and with a partner, and there
is no question that having the wrong partner is worse than being alone. Even
the bible warns that it is more pleasant to stay at the roof top instead of
living in a large house with a nagging wife. Be warned!
Eighth Mistake- Lack of Financial Discipline
A lot of youth these days earn and spend as if life is
predictable. Well, the journey of life is the most unpredictable thing ever!
Make sure you save for your retirement right from the time you get your first
salary. If not, you definitely are making one of the worst mistakes in life.
# Ninth Mistake- Doing the same thing and expecting a
different result
Continuing to do the same thing and getting the
same result yet wondering why you haven't "done better" For example;
in relationships - continue to go after the wrong type of guy/lady and finding
yourself hurt all the time or complaining that you haven't found your ideal
career but keep shopping the job boards instead of trying something new.
Learn from your mistakes and do something
different so you don't keep making them!
# Tenth Mistake— Repeating any of the above.
This is the
worst mistake of all. Repeating any of the aforementioned mistakes after
reading this article.
Errors are boung to occur, but learning from those who have passed through the same way will reduce the effects of mistakes on you.