Over the years, I have seen and heard people making some
erroneous comments like,”it is my body”, “is it your body”, “e concern you?”
and so on. People, especially the youths, tend to believe directly or
indirectly through their actions that life have duplicates. For example, why
would a young boy of 17 ever think that smoking and habitual drinking of
alcohol do not hurt or shorten his life span? Nevertheless, he continues doing
his thing as if his actions will never be detrimental to his health.
One thing is sure; we will give account of our body. What am
I trying to say? If you agree that God made Man for His Glory, you will also
agree that if Man’s life fails to give glory to God, then there is disobedience.
Moreover, one major part of our life and existence is our body. I mean your b-o-d-y.
God took his time in Genesis 2:7, worked with dust in a dirt and mud just to
form man. He took his time to carve the lungs, kidney, brain, bones, veins,
arteries, and every other thing just to make a complete man.
You will agree that it was only man that God took his time
out to create with his hands and performed sculpture from dust. The other
creatures were from his word (Gen. 1:24). It shows emphatically that man is a
unique being not just like other animals, not made through evolution like
science claims. Man was fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14) for
glorifying God (Isaiah 43:7).
So how are you glorifying God in your body? 1Corin 6:15-20 and
Romans 12:1 spells out why and how we should glorify God in our bodies.
Knowing that we will all give account on how we use our body,
it is pertinent that we know how to and how-not-to use our bodies.
Let me start with the “how-not-to use our bodies:
The advertisements of sin are becoming more attractive every
day and I must admit to this. The fact that these sin-sponsors have enough funds
to take over 95% of the time allocated for adverts is the major reason why the
moment you connect your TV and internet, the first thing that pops up is
how-not-to use your body. These guys come in deceit making you feel, it’s your
life, it’s your body, it’s invoke, you must not be left out. Our youths who
have almost lost sense of right direction are easily deceived.
I was watching the TV musicals, all of a sudden, I began
hearing songs that encouraged drug abuse, sex abuse and ladies dancing naked
and the guys holding champagnes and strong wines. From the beginning to the
end, these musicians keep portraying how not to use our bodies. Imagine if Angela
Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, dances naked like these girls, what would you
say of her? How would you feel, if your only daughter were found on a video
clip positioning like a prostitute? Certainly, you will feel bad and insulted, right.
Now think about God, who owes every part of us and everything on earth (Psalms
The devil has made these wrong things become right and
modern. In the name of modernization, youths do not esteem their bodies
anymore. I met a very young boy who has become so engulfed in the habit of
abusing codeine and alcohol. He can spend thousands just to get these drugs but
would hardly spend hundreds to get fruits and natural juices.
The price of sin and stupidity is so high yet we pay happily
for it. Meanwhile, the price of holiness and godly wisdom is free of charge
(James 1:5). What do you use your body for: glorifying God or yourself. Be
reminded that you will give account of this body.
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so
that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in
the body, whether good or bad. (1 Corin 5:10)
The funniest thing is that, your body will suffer for your
foolishness both on earth and in hell. But the choice is yours. What account
would you give? A good account or a shameful account? Would you be explaining
to God on how you seduced the boys on your street with your beautiful shape? Or
Would you explain to God how you spoilt your kidney with excessive intake of
alcohol? Or would you show God your spolit and smoked lungs as a result of
incessant smoking? Would you tell God how you tattooed your beautiful body with
scorpions and snakes? Or Would you tell God how you used your brains to
formulate evil plots and plans that defrauded your people health services and
security thereby causing a mass deaths?
It is so easy being on the good path. The greatest
commandment is Love: Love God and Love others. All of us want to be loved, and
loving others will mean using our body for their benefit. How would I claim to
love you if I dress nakedly to draw your heart away from your wife’s. How would
I claim I love you if all I do is to sponsor your drinking and smoking session?
Romans 12:1 says …present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. The best way to
use your body is ensuring that your deeds are holy, acceptable and pleasing to
God. Any action that does not characterize these three things will never
glorify God.
If we must use our body rightly, holiness in all we do must
be paramount. Before you wear that shirt, skirt, gown, blouse, trousers,
makeup, perfume, etc, ask yourself these questions:
Is this holy to God?. Is this acceptable to God. Is this
pleasing to God?
I pray that we will not miss heaven because of the beautiful
body God gave to us.
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