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Yesterday’s message was titled “THE LIFE-GIVING MEAL”. Today’s message is titled “THE INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD” as provided by Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Open Heavens Devotional (Adeboye, 2014). In today’s message, we have been asked to memorise Mark 13:31: "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My Word shall not pass away". Today's reading is from Mark 14:27-31 and the Bible in one year reading for today has been taken from  Jeremiah 27:1 to Jeremiah 29:23 and Psalm 51.

Quoted below is the message for today. God bless you richly for your contribution.

"The underlying lesson from the encounter of Peter with the Lord Jesus Christ in today's Bible reading is that whatever the Lord says shall come to pass. It is therefore pertinent to take note of all (prophesies of Jesus Christ as they affect the cosmic world and beyond. Surely, they shall come to pass. There was a story of a mad man who was fond of collecting alms, especially food items, by force. With his plate in his left hand, he would raise a cutlass in his right and and say to the prospective donor, If you think it won't be and it is, what would you do?” In other words, ”if you think I can't cut off our head and I do; what would you do?” The fellow would quickly drop some food in his plate and he would walk away. He targeted mostly market women. One day, a woman dared this lunatic and said, ’’I won't give you anything today; you can do your worst”. In anger, the lunatic landed a stroke of his cutlass on her head. But for providence which helped her to slightly dodge the cutlass, the lunatic would have beheaded her. Only her right ear was chopped off. The whole market was thrown into pandemonium. Beloved, if the lunatic made good his threat, what do you think of the words of the One who commanded the heaven and the earth to be and they were? It is fool hardy to think that the words spoken by the mouth of the Almighty God and His Christ will not come to pass. When He says the wages of sin is death — Romans 6:23, you better believe it before it is too late.

When our Lord Jesus Christ was speaking with His disciples of old on what was about to happen in relation to them deserting and denying Him, they could not comprehend any situation that would make them deny the Master. As seen in this case of the disciples, at times, children of God assume they are more knowledgeable than their Father. The Lord knew what would happen. He told them, but they could not believe such a thing could happen to them. Momentarily they forgot that they were dealing with the Word of God who became man. On few occasions like this one in our Bible reading today, they took Him and His words as words from an ordinary mortal.To us His disciples today, the Lord said this through His holy angels in Acts 1 :11:
”. . . . this same Jesus, which is taken up from you in to heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”
Our attitude towards God's demand for holiness will become positive if we believe that Jesus is coming back to judge the quick and the dead (2 Timothy 4:1). "

Today's action point is to Make up your mind that you will believe and act according to every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord, as well as the written words of the Holy Scriptures.

Today's action point is very important to our spiritual growth. As we proceed on our daily activities today, let's think about this before taking any step. "Are my actions glorifying the One that has created me, and made me to show forth His glory?"  God bless you all. have a fruitful day in Jesus name. Amen. 


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