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Barabbas was a notable prisoner in the city. He had committed so much atrocities including rebellion that it has been programmed that he died in the prison.
Jesus was God in human form and performed so many miracles, healed the sick, delivered the oppressed, taught the truth, showed the way and promised abundant and eternal life to anyone who believes in His name.

At the point of Jesus’ death, there was an abnormal comparison. The Jews were given an option; to allow the release of Barabbas (that notable prisoner) or to exonerate Jesus (the life-giver). But the people cried louder and louder, give us Barabbas.
Ironically, the Jews preferred the notable prisoner and murderer, Barabbas to Jesus!

Do not be amazed as such decision, this same decision and attitude still persist in our generation even right now as you read this tract, so many people have preferred evil to good. You see people celebrating sin with no remorse. They see the born again Christians as fools living in darkness. They have chosen the taker of life over the giver of life. They have preferred Hell to Heaven, Oh what a shame! What Stupidity! I pity them.
Dear reader, do not be like the Jews, make up your mind this moment who you will choose. Do you want to choose Barabbas instead of Jesus? If I may ask, which choice are you in. For it is appointed unto man once to die and after that the Judgment (Heb 9:27). It is appointed to you to choose life and live, decide now, do not wait till tomorrow. It may never come. The devil came but to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to give abundant life John 10:10.

Are you indirectly or directly choosing the killer, the thief or the destroyer instead of the giver of eternal life? John 3:16
I feel pains as I write this and I cry when I see people willingly refusing the truth these days. 2Tim 3:1-5. Some will even throw this tract away after reading and laugh at it. They are willingly and happily marching to hell. Oh wretched man that I am! Christ has come to deliver you from the shackles of hell and oppression.

Do you know what it meant to Barabbas? He had done the unpardonable thing. Sin has become a life style for Barabbas. He was thrown into jail to rot. But sometime happened. His life that had been condemned was restored by Jesus. Jesus replaced his damaged and sinful life with His holy life. That same Jesus that took Barabbas place is here right now with you as you read this tract, He is willing to take your place, and he is willing to show you the path that leads to life and abundant riches Matt 11:28.  Jesus wants to redeem you just as he redeemed Barabbas over 2000 years ago. Romans 5:8 says ‘But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us’. While Barabbas was yet to admit his wrong, Jesus was willingly to take his place.

This was exactly what happened in the cross. Jesus took away your sins and gave his holy nature so you will sin no more and live above sin and death. Jesus wants you to appear perfect and blameless before the holy heavenly Father. Jesus was made sin for you and I.
Why not seize this opportunity, allow the light to shine into your life even while there is gross darkness all over the world (Isa 60:1-2). The light of God is ready to shine upon you and his glory about to be seen in you, it is just a choice, take that bold step. Accept Jesus into your life now, let him take your place in hell; acknowledge the sacrifice he did for you over 2000years ago.

Jesus loves you dearly, he wants to give you abundant life, he wants to liberate you from the darkness of the world, from poverty, sickness pains, disappointment, joblessness, sufferings of this present world if only you ask him to take and control the boat of your life, Rev 3:20. Jesus wants to give you rest in this trouble times.

Accept Jesus now! If you are already a Christian, why don’t you check your life to see if you are really shining as light to the world? Rededicate your life to Jesus.
Kindly say this prayer if you have decided to choose the right path…

Lord Jesus I thank you for dying for me and redeeming me from hell I believe you are the son of God and I make you my personal Lord and savior. Forgive me from my unclean ways; wash me with your blood. Lord Jesus, make me your child and a partaker of your divine heritage. Help me Lord to serve and love you with all my life in Jesus name. Amen.

Dear friend, find a bible-believing church and meet the pastor for more guidance. Jesus is coming very soon. God bless you.
Please pass this tract and do not keep it. Join us to spread the gospel.

Jesus is coming very soon.

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