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Showing posts from 2017

Some people will hate you for no reason: However, Be Smart & God-dependent

I f you ever think you can please everyone, then you are still in the dream world. Yesterday we talked about failing as a part of success. Today is similar and it is more of living with haters on your success path. Anyone who pleases everyone or tries to please everyone needs help. It's a sign that you are yet to begin destiny fulfillment. Jesus was perfect yet he was hated for no just reasons. Some hated him because he was from a poor background. Likewise, people will hate you because your parents are poor. People will hate you because you speak the truth. People will always hate you for no reason, so get used to it. Let me share some reasons why I think people hate you: Because they want to be like you- Some people are just jealous of your achievements. So they hate you for this. Because you remind them of their failure- You passed an exam while they failed. You got an admission while they are still at home! You got married while they are still single. ...

Success is not Attributed to Quitters: Greatness is Always Marred by the Fear Of Failure.

M any of us love 'success'. We desire greatness but we hate failure. We easily get discouraged and we are afraid to fail! Oh, what an irony! The conundrum in achieving success and greatness is in embracing failure. What we do not want to hear is failure. Sometimes we go to the extent of rejecting failure. We pray against failing. We look at failure as the opposite of success. Meanwhile even Jesus told us to expect troubles (failures) and tribulations as long as we live in this world. In 2017, I saw tough and rugged friends becoming successful after failing repeatedly. I saw friends who wrote professional exams fail but they wrote it again and failed but they wrote again and passed. I realized that failure is not the cause of poverty but quitting after failure is the reason why many people would remain poor and unable to fulfill destiny. Thomas Edison, the inventor of electric bulbs, tried and failed over 10,000times before becoming great. Instead of...

Nothing sweeter than changing people's lives positively. One day, you will be a memory. So try to be a good one

  M any of us have lost loved ones. We have lost friends. Sadly, our family will loose us one day. This is the irony of life. However, the way we live our lives today will neither increase nor decrease our life span (very godly people still die early, and sinful ones even live longer, right?), but, what is more lasting in the hearts of people is the Way we made them feel while we were with them. The value of life is not in the length lived (whether 80 or 95yrs) but the value of life lies in the quality of life lived. (whether 25 or 40)  Jesus lived only 33.5yrs,yet His impact is still felt 2000years after. We know of several old men in our villages that even the state couldn't identify with them. 2017 made me understand that what makes life beautiful is when you live for others. By this, I mean, influencing people positively. I mean dropping in people's heart, a good memory that can never be forgotten. Have you wondered why even the next generation will st...

Originality is what gives you value. Be Real, Be Yourself, Be Original

This year, I have been opportune to see fake people and real people. Copy cats and original humans. People with guts and those who lack guts. People with balls and those whose balls have been used to play tennis. One thing that baffles me most has to deal with our current youth. I mean those who think that they have so much time to play around with. The way they dress with no sense of dignity. When you confront them, they say it's the reigning stuff and 'stars' are doing it. Should something become a standard because the so-called 'stars' are doing it? Where is the Originality? Where is the value? Most of them or better still most of us have stopped thinking and started copying. You see a girl wearing sleeveless during a raining season with short skirts, yet she is catching cold. But because she wants to feel among, she ignores her health and dress half naked. Some even go to the extent of being so uncomfortable with their outfits that sitting down ...

Valentine not Violent-time (Part 2)

Valentine not Violent time (Part 2) Exactly 366days ago, I wrote specifically on this topic- It’s Valentine, not violent-time.  The innate passion of pouring my heart to my generation made me differentiate valentine from violent-time. Again, I am writing the second part of this article to buttress my point. On February 14, 2016, I woke up as usual at 5:30am to say my devotion. As I was studying, I remembered that it was a special love Sunday, which we had all envisaged. Prior to this day, I had received numerous invites on special valentine nights out, love Sunday evening services, and others. Stepping out of my house everywhere looked more beautiful than usual as I walked to the church. The colour, red, was flagged all around. Everyone tends to have a touch of red especially the women. Some ladies even had a red bag mixed with red lipsticks, red shoes in short they were reddy or perhaps ready for the day. Some even abused the red color and gave a ludicrous combination of red...