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Showing posts from 2018

Fulfilling Christmas?

T oday is December 25 th , the long-awaited Christmas day. A day where everyone rejoices and celebrate in unison. There had not been any day like this where the whole world, whether Greek or Jew, white or black, Muslim or Christian, celebrate in unity. Indeed, this must be a special day. The world as we know enjoy celebration even in the midst of suffering, greed, poverty, lack and high political and economic tension. On a day like this virtually everyone pretends all is well just to have a full grasp of the day. Yes. All is well but is all really well? On a day like this, I spend more time resonating about the 358days which has gone by. I realised that I have lost many friends, made new friends, attended funerals, attended naming ceremonies. I have seen terrible accidents and I have even been involved in some. But yet I am standing. Oh, I didn’t die? Yea. But why didn’t I die? Am I better than those who died or lost one part of their body? The answer is No! Life is all abo...

Look not! Touch not! Eat not!

A once beautiful scenario became awful for man to remember. The story of Adam and Eve in that beautiful garden prepared by God remains the best explanation for the hardship and greed humanity has suffered over the years. It all began here in the Garden of Eden. Here, two trees were named while one of the trees was commanded by the Almighty God never to be eaten or better still not to be touched! (Gen 2: 8-9) Man, before the fall, has been given a purpose and a reason for his existence which was being the keeper of the Garden. However, the serpent (the devil) deceived Man into disobeying divine orders (Gen 3:1-11). God was so displeased that his lovely creature would disobey Him after all the love he has shown Man. The consequence of this act was death, hell and total banishment from the presence of the Almighty God. Man was created and placed in his inheritance to work little and earn large, to be in charge of all God had created and to dominate. All of us humans ha...

Valentine or Violent-Time (Part 3)

Over the years, some religious folks have defined and classified February 14 as the devil's day. They argue that the Valentine was not a Saint, and even if he was, it was not proper to keep a day to remember him. By God's grace, I have subjected myself to regular study of the scriptures and godly books in several libraries especially the e-libraries. My philosophy has been guided by the knowledge acquired from comparative and HOLYGHOST inspired study. If God is not against Christmas, and Easter, then why should He be against Valentine's Day? Many of us have known so much that we have created our own "Newer Testament" after the new testament of the Holy Bible. Is God against celebrations? Definitely, No! Jesus visited a wedding in Cana, he was at most Jewish feasts, and He organized a feast by feeding, on one occasion, 5,000 men. Our God loves feasting. He loves to see us celebrate. But all feastings must be done in Holiness in order to be approved ...

Your body and God

O ver the years, I have seen and heard people making some erroneous comments like,”it is my body”, “is it your body”, “e concern you?” and so on. People, especially the youths, tend to believe directly or indirectly through their actions that life have duplicates. For example, why would a young boy of 17 ever think that smoking and habitual drinking of alcohol do not hurt or shorten his life span? Nevertheless, he continues doing his thing as if his actions will never be detrimental to his health. One thing is sure; we will give account of our body. What am I trying to say? If you agree that God made Man for His Glory, you will also agree that if Man’s life fails to give glory to God, then there is disobedience. Moreover, one major part of our life and existence is our body. I mean your b-o-d-y. God took his time in Genesis 2:7, worked with dust in a dirt and mud just to form man. He took his time to carve the lungs, kidney, brain, bones, veins, arteries, and every other thing...

People are already hurt: Show them love!

  If there was any better option for most of us here on earth about leaving for a more pleasant, and better planet, we will all leave Earth. Am I right? Everything seems to be in chaos. We have been moving from one level of disorganization to another. Africa has been classified as a third world continent. Poverty is stirring us at the face without remorse. Our loved ones pass away, not because of anything but for poverty and poor health care facility. Right now, inflation is becoming the order of the day even after the World Bank and IMF told us that we are out of recession. We are yet to feel its impact on our lives. The rich are getting richer, while the poor are getting poorer. Our leaders have been promising us heaven on earth if we vote for them. However, they turn against us for their pockets after getting power. The graduate out there is tired of applying for jobs. The undergraduate out there is wondering which uncle, brother, or friend can help him get a job bec...

Make Your Decisions and Stick to it. Don't be a Floating Ball in the Sea.

I f there is anything, you must learn before 2017 ends, it must be the power to make decisions. I carried out a personal survey on several people I met this 2017. I realized that most of these folks are where they are today because of one decision or the other they made or did not make some years back. Circumstances are a product of your decisions. What you do today determines what happens tomorrow. I know someone might think of spiritual and ancestral curses holding people back even when they did not make that decision. Right? Someone might be thinking that I did not decide to come from a poor background. i didn’t choose my parents, I didn't choose to fail. I didn’t choose this or decide that! Am i right? But dear, whether you choose it or not: someone has made some decisions for you in advance even before you were born. Your parents decided where you would be born either in Nigeria or America. So you agree with me that your life is a product of decisions whether...

Parenting is the best opportunity to influence the world: How prepared are you?

O ne of the most amazing things I learnt this 2017 and is still learning is “Parenting”. I was privileged to see several things this year: the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. I realized that parenting plays a major role in the outcome of our society. I realized that children who later become adults got most of their traits and genes (genotype and phenotype) from their parents: Intelligent parents most times (not 100%) breeds intelligent kids and dull parents hardly breeds intelligent kids (except in rare occasions) First, let us see how important parenting is - to the child and the world! Wikipedia defines parenting as “the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.” However, most people think parenting is just about giving birth. So I ask, how prepared are you? The biggest and hardest task in life is parenting. Do you know why? If you focus on being successful an...